The Innovative Location Tracking Device with AR Immersive Gamification

Experience the perfect blend of cutting-edge technology and practical tracking needs, enhanced with immersive AR gamification. Keep your loved ones safe and engaged anywhere, anytime, with DropGo's sleek and easy-to-use design.

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Global Indoor and Outdoor Tracking for People & Pets

DropGo seamlessly combines GPS and WiFi to provide precise location tracking both indoors and outdoors worldwide. Its WiFi geolocation is powered by the Qualcomm Aware™ Location Service

Engage with Augmented Reality

Transform everyday chores into engaging adventures with DropGo’s augmented reality games. By overlaying digital characters onto your real-world view, DropGo enhances your interaction and experience, all while contributing to wireless network optimization.

1. Connect

  • Connect DropGo to the mobile app
  • Click on a character nearby

2. Capture

  • AR view comes up
  • Swing  or twist to capture the character

3. Receive

  • Points received after capturing
  • You now have contributed to Proof of Coverage

Wireless Charging Made Easy

DropGo features the latest wireless charging technology, powered by a portable docking station. Its magnetic positioning mechanism ensures precise alignment for optimal power transfer efficiency. With the wireless charging docking station, your device stays powered, waterproof, and ready whenever you are.

Versatile Wireless Support

DropGo is available in various wireless protocol versions, including LoRaWAN, Amazon Sidewalk, NB-IoT, and LTE-M, catering to diverse consumer and industrial use cases. Choose the version that best suits your needs when making your pledge.

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